Thursday, October 31, 2002

This is ridiculous

Check this, Company Sues Reuters, Aims To Block Site Visitors From Guessing At URLs. I have done this kind of thing in the past at various websites looking for a number of pages that I thought would have been there because of the way the URL was constructed. Where's hacking in there?

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Dave Winer's SOAP definition

Dave wrote in his blog that Doc Searls liked his definition of SOAP, which goes something like:
"It's a simple way to call procedures running on other machines, on other OSes, written in other languages, using different economic systems, without being forced to pay a tax to Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Sun or the W3C."

Well, not everyone liked his definition.
Tutorial on DIME

PerfectXML has a new article on DIME. DIME is a specification which can be used to combine text, image, and video data in XML messages.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Loosely Coupled, Explained

John Hagel has a very good definition of the term, Loosely Coupled. He defines Lossely Coupled as, "an attribute of systems, referring to an approach to designing interfaces across modules to reduce the interdependencies across modules or components – in particular, reducing the risk that changes within one module will create unanticipated changes within other modules. This approach specifically seeks to increase flexibility in adding modules, replacing modules and changing operations within individual modules."

John writes of the benefits of Loosely Coupled system and how if this term is not understood and used properly will waste the benefits the new wave of technologies can provide. He does not mention this new wave of technology but It has to be Web Services.

Friday, October 25, 2002

New face of spam

I just received this spam which was sent to my machine using Windows messaging service (using "net send"). It's irritating but there is a solution as this Securityfocus article shows.
Update: Read more about it in this recent article on Wired: Wired News: Spam Masquerades as Admin Alerts

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Atlast, am back

OK, I didn't say that I'll be back, but yes I'm back...:). We (I and Monica) were off on a quite long vacation to Pune, India. So now we will be updating the site on a regular basis. There will be some updates on India, things certainly have changed back home. Also, a lot has happened since my last post in the tech world. It will take some time to catch up on things. So keep checking.