Sunday, August 10, 2003

XML in the Real Real World

Tim Gray writes in this article on XML-Journal:
There seem to be two kinds of XML-based initiatives out there. In the first, they don't bother too much with the niceties, they just focus on getting some things put together and happening, they make up and refine the messages as they go along, and they've been in production now for six months. The second kind takes a more carefully structured approach, builds things from the schemas out, worries a lot about choreography and data modeling and semantics, and is still in the planning stage, with the revised schedule calling for deployment two quarters from now if things go well.

That's lot of dejected talk from someone who co-authored XML recommendation. Anyways, Tim points to the continuous revolution(s) taking place in the RSS world which seems to be the greatest success story of XML so far. He writes:

Meanwhile, the biggest story in the XML world is happening just off the radar of the prognosticators and executives. It's called RSS, and it's a simple format for pumping the content of dynamic information sources around. It was invented for use by the legions of webloggers, but it's mainstream now; I no longer surf to the New York Times or the BBC or MSDN, I subscribe to them, and when something changes, I get a nice little summary and decide whether I want to check it out.

RSS has never actually been blessed as a standard, and its development has been fraught with nasty personalities and politics. There are competing versions, and the next-generation version probably won't be called RSS. But it's changing the world, and it's based on XML, and it's coming from a direction that nobody's looking in. Stand by.

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